Monday, 28 January 2013

Free Love Wallpaper Downloads

Free Love Wallpaper Downloads Biography

In some branches of sci-fi, a major aspect of the Utopia — or, in some cases, a Dystopia — is the decline of monogamy.
Or, to put it bluntly, everyone sleeps with everyone and has a right to do so.
There is no longer any social stigma attached to promiscuity. In fact, the few who are strictly monogamous are likely to be the ones who get weird looks. No-strings-attached sex may be seen as a great way of getting to know people, a good method of recreation or, alternatively, it may be suggested that it's a biological imperative to have children by as many people as possible (a popular concept when the resident population is limited - such as colonies or After the End events). The attitude to sex may vary from a cheerfully accepted part of life ("Hey, I'm bored. Wanna test the bedsprings?") to a pragmatic one ("Damn, the kid I had with George turned out to be Ax Crazy. Better have the next one with John."). No-one really cares who you sleep with either - any and all partners are acceptable.
Occasionally, Fridge Logic will creep in. Contraception and sexual protection is rarely mentioned, and as any govenment information advert is quick to tell you, if you're sleeping with more than one person you better demand a full medical certificate from every partner or take the appropriate precautions. This might be handwaved by the author if they claim that STDs have been wiped out, or that there's some sort of stealth contraception that everyone in the population uses.
Less easy to handwave, though, is the issue of jealousy. In the present day, many people would take a very dim view of their partner sleeping with one other person, never mind having sex with anyone who took their fancy. Idealistic views of love often include ideas of one, single soul mate. Conversely, in its more negative incarnations, love is commonly associated with jealousy (or even, possession). While a few stories will make a real attempt at explaining the decline of jealousy (since we already acknowledge it as one of the more negative emotions), a more common tactic is to demonise or mock anyone who expects a partner to be exclusive to them. They will probably be regarded as backward, repressed or selfish in a Free Love Future. They don't have to go Axe Crazy or bunny-boiler to be labelled a jealous nutcase - even asking a partner to be faithful will probably be seen as a laughable expectation at best, and a selfish demand that infringes on the other person's rights at worst. It could, however be explained as everyone being raised that way, and therefore most everyone not caring because it's been ingrained in them since birth.
Commonly, a Free-Love Society will socially legitimize extra-marital affairs, where you may be married to one person, but it's socially acceptable to explore other people.
Openly sexual societies are also frequently predicted to be the result of disassociation between sex and reproduction, for example, in a civilization that embraces Ectogenesis (* ) or selective breeding (in which cases contraception may be not only popular but mandatory) and sexually-transmitted diseases would be given the same regard as influenzas. Families as a standard child-rearing unit may or may not exist, and most likely would deviate from the "traditional" nuclear family; at the very least, coupled biological parents of children won't be expected to live together or with their children. Expect No Blood Ties to be commonplace, if not the norm. In this case, you might see a lot of Parents as People.
Dystopian free-love societies will emphasize depersonalization of sex. In works depicting less extreme societies, expect a lot of polyamorous relationships, that is, full-spectrum friend and lover relationships in which intimacy is part of the mutual trust, but exclusivity is outside the defined commitment. Also, in most such speculative fiction, expect Author Appeal to reveal itself less than subtly.
Often involves an Everyone Is Bi society. A Double Standard may be in operation, often ensuring that one gender is sexually available for their entire lives while the other can only do so until they get married, whereupon they are expected to be faithful to their partner. Often interpreted as wish fulfillment or Author Appeal, especially if they remember The Sixties.
See also Eternal Sexual Freedom, Fetish-Fuel Future. This trope is also the logical future extension of the Everybody Has Lots of Sex setting. May involve or allow Exotic Extended Marriage. Contrast with No Sex Allowed.
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